Profit sharing ratio

Set out below are the maximum deductions that are to be made in calculating your share of profit on each calculation date.

Your share of profit shall be paid on the calculation date. 
The following deductions will be made in calculating your share of profit for a calculation period: 

1. Operating fees and expenses

  • The direct costs, fees and expenses shall be limited to 1.5%* of the average pooled funds during the calculation period.

2. Our share of profit

  • The percentage of distributable profit that shall be our share of profit for a calculation period will be as shown in the table below.

3. Profit stabilisation reserve contribution

  • The deduction from net income for a profit stabilisation reserve contribution shall be limited to 20%* of the net income.
Savings accounts Our share of distributable profit*
All savings accounts  90%

*NOTE: These percentages are maximum figures and Al Rayan Bank may reduce its share of profit, operating fees and expenses and the profit stabilisation reserve contribution at its discretion.