Rainy Day

Five fun family activities for a rainy day

Don’t let the rain dampen your spirits. Here’s five fun family activities that are great ways to spend precious time together and make memories.

Have an indoor picnic.

Whatever the weather, having a picnic indoors is a great way to bring the whole family together without any interruptions. Whether it’s using up the leftovers from last night’s dinner, or those desserts in the freezer that are asking to be eaten, a picnic is a flexible, and tasty, way to spend time with your children without needing to venture into the rainy outdoors. You can also get the whole family involved in making the picnic, preparing a meal that everyone can be proud of and enjoy, as well as picking up some skills along the way.

Make a mini volcano.

How about a bit of scientific fun? First you need something to make a mountain out of. Depending on how creative you are, you can use sand, clay, paper mache – but if you’re looking for something quick that’s easy to decorate, this cardboard mountain will be hard to beat. You’ll then need an empty plastic bottle; water; baking soda; food colouring and vinegar. When you have made the mound around the bottle, leaving a hole where the top is, carefully add a tablespoon of baking soda into the bottle (make sure not to add too much, you don’t want your science experiment to end up on the ceiling)! Add vinegar with food colouring and watch your mini volcano explode into life- use your child’s favourite colour to add an extra spark of magic to the experiment. 

Play a board game.

Yes, that old Monopoly box has not been sitting in the cupboard gathering dust for nothing. On a dreary day, one of the best ways to engage the whole family and battle it out in a fun way is with a board game. Board games come with so many benefits, from spending time with your children, to keeping our minds sharp, as well as learning patience and accepting that it is okay to lose. Though board games can often be overlooked with the rise of apps and online games, cherishing quality time with your family in the moment will not be forgotten, you may even find yourself continuing the game when the sun has come out again.

Do some baking.

Take a moment to ask your kids what their favourite baked treat is. Whether it’s cookies, brownies or cake, there are so many recipes online to make these delicious goods that even if you are out of a certain ingredient, you can find a substitute. While you will need to take care of any activity involving cutting or the oven, the kids will really love to help you with all other jobs and will have a world of fun doing it. The delicious baking smells in the kitchen will even motivate them to help with the clean-up. What’s more, you can dig into your tasty reward afterwards, and save the recipe for any future family gatherings or parties where your kids can show off their fantastic baking skills.

Go to a museum. 

If rain is forecasted but you don’t want it to keep you inside all day? Why don’t you try a museum as a way to go out but also keep protected from the elements? There are many museums of different varieties around the country, covering topics as diverse as art, science, industry – even chocolate. Museums are often free and have fascinating interactive activities for kids to do inside, just check online before you go. Also be sure to pack snacks and your umbrella!


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