
Trace your lost pensions

Losing or forgetting a pension is easier than you think. If you have ever changed jobs or moved house, then you could also have misplaced a pension. The good news is that all you need to do to find them again is a bit of detective work. 

Just follow our PENSION guide:

•    Pension scheme details:  Pension schemes must send you a statement every year including key details, such as your account number, and expected retirement income. If you’ve moved house, you may no longer receive them. Check through any old paperwork to see if you have anything containing the name of your employer, pension scheme, pension administrator or pension provider.

•    Employment contracts may help you find your workplace pension provider. You may also be able to find deductions for pension contributions on old payslips.

•    No luck? Contact your previous employers directly. Money Helper, a service provided by the Money and Pensions Service, has created a template letter that you can use.

•    Search the Pensions Tracing website for both workplace and personal pension scheme details. You can submit a tracing request or call 0800 731 0193. The Service will only be able to give you contact details of the pension's administrator. You will then need to contact them.

•    If you can’t find your employer they could have changed names or been taken over. Search Companies House here to find out.

•    Once you find your pension provider, write to them. Money Helper created a template letter with all the details you’ll need to provide.

•    Now seek professional advice. Once you have found all of your missing pensions there are several pension options, which you should consider with the help of independent advice.

National Pension Tracing Day is a cross-industry campaign to raise awareness of how many lost or forgotten pensions there are, and how easy it is to trace them. If you’d like to find out more about National Pension Tracing Day simply click here.


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