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This weekend Al Rayan Bank won two of the six categories in the annual Asian Business Chamber of Commerce (ABCC) awards, which are designed to celebrate and showcase Asian businesses in Birmingham and the West Midlands. The Bank won the first ever Outstanding Large Business award to be given by the ABCC, in addition to being recognised for its Outstanding Customer Service levels. The Bank faced stiff completion from companies across the region to take the titles, which were awarded at the International Convention Centre (ICC) on 19 November.
Sultan Choudhury, Chief Executive Officer of Al Rayan Bank accepted the awards, and said of the event: “We are very proud to achieve such recognition, especially with so much excellent competition. We’ve come a long way since we were formed in 2004. Today Al Rayan Bank is one of the fastest growing banks in the UK with a distribution network that spans the country. Throughout this journey we’ve stayed true to our faith-based principles. By keeping our commitment to providing competitive, innovative and ethical products backed by outstanding customer service, we provide an increasingly popular alternative to traditional banks.”
The Asian Business Chamber of Commerce was formed in 1987 and specialises in the business needs of Asian businesses in Greater Birmingham and the West Midlands. It is the only membership led organisation representing the Asian business community and offers a complimentary range of benefits and services to those provided by the Birmingham Chamber of Commerce.
Al Rayan Bank employs over 200 people throughout the UK and has its Operational Headquarters based at Calthorpe Road in Edgbaston, Birmingham. The Bank has been a pioneer of British retail Islamic banking for 12 years, and is dedicated to strong, faith-based ethics and great customer service.
The first wholly Sharia compliant retail bank in the UK, Al Rayan Bank serves retail, business and premier customers throughout the country and has earned a reputation for providing innovative products which appeal to people of any faith. The Bank has also been recognised as an ethical alternative to conventional banking by the Move Your Money campaign and the Bank can be found in the top ten of ethical current account providers, according to ratings compiled by Ethical Consumer magazine.
As an independent UK bank, Al Rayan Bank is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority, regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority and is a member of Financial Services Compensation Scheme.