Our Educate A Child International Fixed Term Deposit empowers education for marginalised and vulnerable children.

We regularly monitor the use of your card and purchase history to identify unusual activity to protect your account from fraud.
If on your Al Rayan Bank Debit Card, we see suspicious activity or transactions occur outside of your normal spending pattern we may contact you to confirm that the use is genuine. Therefore it is important to tell us if your contact details have changed. If we need to speak to you regarding unusual activity, you may be asked to provide personal information to verify your account. We will never ask you to divulge in full any passwords or other sensitive account information.
If we are unable to contact you regarding the unusual activity on your Al Rayan Bank Debit Card, your card may be temporarily blocked to prevent any further use until we are able to confirm with you that the transactions are legitimate.
Although our detection systems are designed to detect abnormal activity on your Al Rayan Bank Debit Card, it is possible that a legitimate purchase may also appear to be suspicious and consequently could be declined. If this occurs, please contact us immediately. Once your transaction is verified, you will need to process the transaction again.
Your Al Rayan Bank Debit Card cannot be used in the following locations:
You may also wish to notify us in advance of any large or unexpected transactions if they are out of your normal spending patterns e.g. a new car or large holiday payment.