Al Rayan Bank Operational Headquarters, Birmingham, UK

Al Rayan Bank Enhances its Employee Training with Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)

Three key members of staff from Al Rayan Bank, one of the fastest growing banks in the UK*, have qualified in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), a skill which targets improvement of thoughts and feelings to enhance personal lives and strengthen abilities in the workplace.

NLP improves communication skills and develops the ability to think more clearly, skills that the Bank plans to use to further enhance the environment for its employees and its award-winning customer service**. The qualification is part of an ongoing scheme of employee training and education that Al Rayan Bank - which achieved Investors in People Standard in 2015 - recognises as essential to its continued growth and success.

The three staff members who have successfully completed the scheme are Simon Walker, Head of Retail Sales; and Senior Sales Managers, Saquib Ismail and Sagheer Malik. Commenting on the accreditation, Simon Walker said, "NLP is an attitude characterised by the sense of curiosity and adventure, with a desire to learn the skills to be able to understand how communication influences somebody. It is a methodology based upon the presupposition that all behaviour has a structure and that structure can be modelled.

“NLP is something that many organisations have already picked up on, recognising it as an ideal tool to improve results within a relatively short timescale. It helps to develop people skills and encourages motivational leadership. By employing NLP techniques, people can also increase their level of presentational skills - something which can keep your company ahead of the field.”

Ros King, Head of Human Resources, added, “In banking, good communication is vital when dealing with colleagues and customers. It is important that members of staff have clarity of thought and the ability to communicate efficiently and effectively. By utilising the skills we have developed through the NLP programme, Al Rayan Bank is in a better position to maximise opportunities and provide an excellent service to its customers. This will mean improved performance and productivity, a greater level of staff retention and more satisfied customers.”

Al Rayan Bank has been a pioneer of British retail Islamic banking for 13 years. The first wholly Sharia compliant retail bank in the UK, the Bank was named as the third fastest growing bank in the UK by pre-tax by profits in 2016, in a complete financial analysis of all 155 UK incorporated banks. Al Rayan Bank has also been named by Global Finance magazine as one of the best Islamic banks in the world, in its annual list of the World’s Best Islamic Financial Institutions.

* Bank League Tables 2017, a complete financial analysis of all 155 UK incorporated banks, Searchline Publishing 2017

** Al Rayan Bank won the Outstanding Customer Service category in the Asian Business Chamber of Commerce Awards, November 2017

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